Dr Vicky Lewis

Chartered Clinical Psychologist

Clinical Psychology & Counselling help in Solihull & Online






Welcome to our talking therapy service which is run by Dr Vicky Lewis, Chartered Clinical Psychologist and Counsellor, and supported by Cheryl Aalit, PA and coach. Cheryl answers all initial enquiries, organises appointments and helps with any questions you may have before you meet with Vicky.

Vicky has twenty years' of clinical and research experience working in local authority and NHS mental health services, and now focusses on her independent practice with children, young people and adults.

Vicky is experienced in working with anxiety, low mood, difficult life events, neurodivergence,  the challenges of parenting, and how to help young people who are finding it difficult to engage in the education system. Vicky is passionate about helping those struggling with emotional wellbeing, helping those in close relationships to better understand each other and working with systems such as families, schools and communities to move towards positive changes to support mental health.


 The clinic is in Earlswood, Solihull and the therapy room is within a relaxed and calming farmhouse building, 5 minutes walk from Earlswood Lakes. Parking is free and the surroundings are tranquil and comforting. Tri Wellness is within Solihull and on the border of Warwickshire and easily accessible from the M40 and M42. Please feel free to browse our website and get in touch via the contact form below.


We are passionate about working with integrity and honesty

What We Offer

Child and Young Person Therapy

Are you worried about the emotional wellbeing of your child and want to figure out how to make things better?

Finding it difficult to know how to support a young person who is struggling in school and are unsure what to do next?


Parenting Support and Advice

Does parenting feel challenging and exhausting and the approaches you are using are just not helping?

Do you want to learn more about building a positive connection with your child and how to keep calm when things are challenging?

Are you wondering if your child may be neurodivergent and want to know which parenting approaches are most helpful to support them?


Initial screening for Neurodivergence and Neuroaffirming Therapy

Are you or a family member considering whether to pursue an Autism or ADHD diagnosis and are looking for initial screening and advice?

Have you recently discovered you are neurodivergent and want help with navigating your journey?

Would you like to understand more about avoidance of demands, sensitivity to rejection and/or criticism and difficulties with executive functioning (planning, organising, time management, getting started on tasks, self regulating emotions etc.)?


 Adult Psychological Therapy

Are you struggling with feelings of stress, anxiety, low mood, overwhelm or burnout?

Do relationships feel difficult and you want to figure out why and what might help?


Support For Professionals

Are you looking for a safe space to offload, talk about your work, understand in more detail about difficulties, find potential solutions and develop your skills and knowledge?

Would you like to know more about how to support your staff or employees, help others to feel supported and valued, develop personally and professionally, experience less stress and reduce the risk of burnout?


Please get in touch by completing the contact form below

We always aim to work with compassion, respect and in collaboration with you

Based on 5 Reviews
Kate Bailey
February 16, 2023
Ophelia Turkson
November 28, 2022
Nik Davies
October 10, 2022
Patricia Clay
July 5, 2022
Rachel Wassall
June 28, 2022

How we can help

  • Psychological therapy for children, young people, adults and couples

  • Evidenced based approaches personalised to you - not a 'one size fits all' approach

  • A neuroaffirming service which embraces and respects the incredible diversity of neurotypes

  • Initial Screening for possible traits of Autism or ADHD

  • Parenting support which prioritises your mental health, connection and the emotional wellbeing needs of your child

  • Clinical supervision, consultancy and training for professionals

When anxiety builds up to the point that a young person cannot go to school, this is often called ‘school refusal’ – and you might hear the school or other professionals using this term. However, this term implies that ‘refusing’ school is a choice when often it is not.

For more information see:

#triwellness #solihull #warwickshire #schoolanxiety #childrensanxiety #schoolrefusal #childmentalhealth #childrensmentalhealth #childrenswellbeing
In other words, using rewards and consequences teaches children to behave in a certain way to get a reward or to avoid a punishment which can often be successful only in the short term. 

The best discipline for children does not have to involve punishment, repercussions or consequences. 

For further information see: 

#parenting #responsiveparenting #attachmentparenting #sarahockwellsmith #relationships #mentalhealthawareness #intrinsicmotivation #childmentalhealth
Burnout can look like:

Low energy and motivation
Anxiety and irritability
Finding it difficult to relax
Sensory overload
Poor sleep despite feeling exhausted
Struggling to enjoy doing things you used to love
Feelings of cynicism and that what you are doing is pointless
Feeling isolated
Finding everyday life really hard
Loss of executive function skills e.g. emotional regulation, decision making, impulse control, working memory (a form of memory that allows an individual to hold information at the ready for immediate mental use)
The risk of burnout tends to be higher for individuals who are neurodivergent
For further information see https://www.drvickylewis.co.uk/neurodivergence/#burnout

#burnout #anxiety #irritability #lowenergy #nomotivation #sensoryoverload #isolated #wellbeing #mentalhealth #triwellness #solihull #warwickshire
Did you know?

Feeling different and that you do not 'fit in' can lead to neurodivergent individuals masking.

Masking is a complex conscious and often subconscious behaviour and can be known as camouflaging, mimicking or fawning.

Individuals are more likely to mask when there are little accommodations and adjustments in the environment.

Psychologically safe and validating environments are really important for everyone.

#heurodiversity #neurodivergence #neurodivergencemasking #masking #ADHD #Autism #wellbeing #mentalhealth #psychologist #solihull #triwellness #warwickshire
1 in 5 children experience mental health difficulties
Half of difficulties develop by the age of 14
420000 children and young people are receiving help for their mental health every month
Children and young people who are struggling with mental health can go an average of 10 years between the difficulties starting and getting help - Source: Place2Be website.

You can help your child to express their emotions by labelling emotions so that they know what they are
E.g. "You look happy today"

E.g. "I am sad that we cannot go out today"

Mirror activities
Make faces for the different emotions in the mirror

Use drawing and books.

Reassure your child that ALL emotions are valid and ok even the ones that feel more difficult to manage.

It's ok to cry
It's ok to be angry
It's ok to be sad etc. 

#childrensmentalhealthweek #childrensmentalhealth #emotionalexpression #itsoktocry #itsoktobeangry #itsoktobesad #wellbeing #mentalhealth #triwellnes #solihull #warwickshire
Yesterday was Parent Mental Health Day ❤️
🌿The aim of the day is to encourage understanding and awareness of the importance of parents’ mental health and wellbeing and its impact on the whole family system

🌿Parenting can be wonderful but also challenging and hard work

🥰Think about how you might do something different to look after yourself today 


Neuro-affirming therapy embraces the uniqueness and strengths of all individuals 😃

It does not encourage the use of neurotypical styles of communication e.g. increase eye contact, reduce stimming etc. which could potentially exacerbate shame, anxiety and reduce self-worth 🙁

#neuroaffirmingtherapy #ADHD #Autism #neurodiversity #neurodivergence #therapy #mentalhealth #wellbeing #solihull #warwickshire #triwellness
🌿Neurodiversity is a term introduced by Judy Singer in the 1990s, it's the idea that humans are all different and there is infinite variation in the neurological differences in all individuals. Examples might be variations in the way in which we interpret, process, communicate and interact with the world. Neurodiversity is sometimes broken down into two subgroups and you will hear people use the terms neurotypical and neurodivergent.

🌿Neurotypical is a term sometimes used to describe individuals who think and process information in ways that might be considered “typical” for their culture.

🌿Neurodivergent refers to individuals whose brain functioning differs from what is considered “typical.” This encompasses individuals with a range of conditions including what the medical model refers to as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention/Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Tourette’s and other neurological conditions.

🌻A Neurodiversity Affirming Approach refers to a welcoming environment for all individuals with neurological differences. It’s an approach which focuses on acknowledging that all individuals have unique strengths, interests and support needs. Differences are considered natural variations and are not deficits or disorders that need to be changed or ‘fixed’.  This is the approach we are passionate about 😊

#warwickshire #triwellness #solihull #neurodivergence #neurodiversity #adhd #autism #neurotypical #mentalhealth
Don't be afraid to be the parent you want to be 😍
#responsive parenting
#gentle parenting
What We Offer

Child and Young Person Therapy 

Are you worried about the emotional wellbeing of your child and want to figure out how to make things better?
Finding it difficult to know how to support a young person who is struggling in school and are unsure what to do next?

Parenting Support and Advice 

Does parenting feel challenging and exhausting and the approaches you are using are just not helping?
Do you want to learn more about building a positive connection with your child and how to keep calm when things are challenging?
Are you wondering if your child may be neurodivergent and want to know which parenting approaches are most helpful to support them?

Initial screening for Neurodivergence and Neuroaffirming Therapy

Are you or a family member considering whether to pursue an Autism or ADHD diagnosis and are looking for initial screening and advice?
Have you recently discovered you are neurodivergent and want help with navigating your journey?
Would you like to understand more about avoidance of demands, sensitivity to rejection and/or criticism and difficulties with executive functioning (planning, organising, time management, getting started on tasks, self regulating emotions etc.)?

Adult Psychological Therapy 

Are you struggling with feelings of stress, anxiety, low mood, overwhelm or burnout?
Do relationships feel difficult and you want to figure out why and what might help?

Support For Professionals

Are you looking for a safe space to offload, talk about your work, understand in more detail about difficulties, find potential solutions and develop your skills and knowledge?
Would you like to know more about how to support your staff or employees, help others to feel supported and valued, develop personally and professionally, experience less stress and reduce the risk of burnout? 

Take a look at the website www.drvickylewis.co.uk 

#warwickshire #triwellness #solihull #aboutus #whatweoffer #psychology #psychologist #therapy #childtherapy #adulttherapy #ADHD #Autism

My name is Vicky, I am dual qualified counsellor and clinical psychologist. I'm also an EMDR therapist and trained to assess whether someone might be Neurodivergent (Autistic, ADHDer etc)

I've completed two years of additional training in systemic family therapy which is an evidenced based approach that is really useful for helping those in close relationships to better understand and support each other

I have worked in the field of counselling and psychology for 20 years with people of all different ages, cultures and backgrounds
I'm particularly passionate helping and empowering people through difficult times, offering a neuro-affirming approach and helping young people who are struggling in the education system.

Via this page I want to share knowledge about all things that can be helpful for children, adults, couples and families when it comes to emotions, wellbeing and mental health

I work in independent practice in Solihull, UK and online.

#solihull #knowle #triwellness #psychologist #therapy #mentalhealth #wellbeing #ADHD #Autism #neurodiversity #neurodivergent
People with ADHD often experience alexithymia and dyslexithymia, conditions that make it difficult to identify and express emotions. Alexithymia refers to the inability to recognise and describe one’s emotions, while dyslexithymia specifically involves not having the right words for feelings. As a result, individuals with ADHD may struggle with emotional regulation, interpersonal relationships, and overall emotional wellbeing.#ADHD #alexithymia #dyslexithymia #wellbeing #mentalhealth #emotions #emotionalregulation #solihull #knowle #triwellness
Attachment theory emphasises the importance of early relationships in shaping emotional and social development. It suggests that children form strong emotional bonds to their primary caregivers, and these bonds influence their behavior, sense of security, and future relationships. There are several attachment styles, including secure, anxious, avoidant, and disorganised, which are formed based on the caregiver’s responsiveness and consistency. These early attachments have lasting effects on how individuals interact in relationships throughout life, influencing emotional regulation, trust, and interpersonal dynamics.

#attachmentstyles #attachmenttheory #earlyyears #relationships #wellbeing #mentalhealth #solihull #triwellness #knowle
When you're overwhelmed, it's important to be kind to yourself and recognise that it's okay to say no and take a break. Give yourself permission to step away from the pressure, even if just for a few minutes. Taking time out allows you to recharge, gain perspective, and approach your challenges with a clearer mind. Self-compassion is key to navigating difficult moments, and sometimes rest is the best way to move forward. When you're feeling overwhelmed, prioritising rest and stepping away from social media can also make a big difference. Going to bed earlier helps restore your energy, allowing you to face challenges with a clearer mind the next day. Taking a break from social media gives you the space to disconnect from distractions and negativity, helping you focus on your wellbeing and regain a sense of calm. Talking to a friend about how you are feeling and giving yourself these moments of peace can reduce stress and improve your overall mental health.

#overwhelm #overwhelmed #takeabreak #sayno #selfcare #selfcompassion #takeabreakfromsocialmedia #wellbeing #triwellness #knowle #solihull
To stop being mentally exhausted, prioritise self-care by setting clear boundaries and taking regular breaks. Engage in activities that promote relaxation, like deep breathing, meditation, or light exercise. Ensure you're getting enough quality sleep and eating nourishing meals. Manage stress by breaking tasks into smaller steps and delegating when possible. Finally, allow yourself time for hobbies or social interactions that recharge you, and consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor if needed.

#mentalexhaustion #selfcare #selflove #wellbeing #mentalhealth #relaxation #deepbreathing #mindfulness #solihull #knowle #triwellness
Just as your body needs care, your mental wellbeing thrives when you treat yourself with patience and understanding. Be kind to your mind by giving it space to rest, reflect, and recharge. Give yourself the grace to rest, to feel, and to grow without judgment. Embrace positive thoughts, practice self-compassion, and allow yourself moments of stillness. A gentle mind leads to a healthier, happier life. When you treat your mind with kindness, it becomes more resilient, peaceful, and capable of handling life's challenges.

#bekindtoyourmind #wellbeing #mentalhealth #selfcompassion #selfcare #stillness #mindfulness #nonjudgement #kindness #solihull #knowle #triwellness
We can often feel like we have to make new year’s resolutions and make changes just because the new year has arrived, and we can put pressure on ourselves to change ourselves in quite profound ways.

The new year is a always a good time to reflect and think about the changes you can make to improve your wellbeing and health, however, you are whole and good enough just the way you are.

#newyear #resolutions #newyearsresolutions #changes #wellbeing #health #acceptance #youarewhole #solihull #knowle #triwellness
This Christmas, remember it's OK to say no to plans if you need space to recharge. Prioritise your mental health by setting boundaries and taking time for yourself. You don’t have to do it all; give what you can (gifts and your time) and know that taking care of your wellbeing is the best gift you can offer yourself and others.

#christmastime #selfcare #mentalhealth #wellbeing #itsoktosayno #solihull #knowle #triwellness
Hugs offer a range of physical and emotional benefits. They reduce stress by triggering the release of oxytocin, which lowers cortisol levels and promotes relaxation. This simple act can boost mood by increasing endorphin production, helping to reduce feelings of anxiety or sadness. Hugs also strengthen emotional bonds, fostering deeper connections between people. Additionally, they can improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and heart rate, while also offering natural pain relief and boosting the immune system. Overall, hugs contribute to better mental and physical wellbeing.

#benefitsofhugs #hugs #stressrelief #wellbeing #mentalhealth #triwellness #solihull #knowle
#competence #unconsciouscompetence #consciouscompetence #mentalhealth #skills #triwellness #solihull #knowle
You won’t win awards for being perfect, working long hours, not saying no, not needing help, living up to expectations, and avoiding mistakes. These ideals can easily turn into a cycle of burnout, stress, and self-neglect. Perfectionism can trap you in a constant race to meet impossible standards, while saying yes to everything and never asking for help only stretches you thinner. True success and fulfillment come from balance - acknowledging that mistakes are part of growth, setting boundaries to protect your well-being, and giving yourself permission to be human. No one wins by pretending to be flawless; the real reward lies in authenticity, resilience, and knowing when to pause and recharge.

#takeabreak #sayno #setboundaries #perfectionism #wellbeing #askforhelp #solihull #triwellness #knowle
Young woman working on laptop computer while sitting on the floo

Contact us

  • Due to the nature of our work the easiest way to get in touch is via this contact form
  • We aim to respond to all queries within 48 hours from Monday to Friday
  • If for any reason you do not receive a response please check your spam folder and let us know via email

Please use the form below to arrange an initial assessment, all enquiries are responded to by Cheryl our administrator:

  • This form collects your name, telephone number and email address along with your message so that our team can communicate with you and provide you with assistance. Please check our Privacy Policy to see how we protect and manage your submitted data.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Cheryl Aalit


Cheryl responds to all initial enquiries. She has over 20 years experience as a PA, supporting psychologists and psychiatrists in private practice for over 7 years.  As a psychology graduate with a keen interest in mental health and neurodiversity, Cheryl enjoys working with health practitioners and their clients. Cheryl is also a transformative coach and mindfulness teacher.


Book Recommendations

Recommended books below are those that we refer to in our work and believe will be valuable for others

The links below are affiliate links which means that if you decide to make a purchase after clicking below, there is no extra cost to you and we may receive a small commission

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What to do When You Worry too Much? - Dawn Huebner & Bonnie Matthews

Under the Love Umbrella - Davina Bell

In My Heart: A Book of Feelings (Growing Hearts) - Jo Witek

How to Help Your Child Cope With Anything: The must-have guide to parenting resilient children - Dr Alison McClymont

What to do When Your Brain Gets Stuck? - Dawn Heubner & Bonnie Matthews

The Invisible String – Patrice Karst

The Invisible String Workbook: Creative Activities to Comfort, Calm and Connect - Patrice Karst

What to do When Your Temper Flares? - Dawn Huebner & Bonnie Matthews

The Opposite of Worry: The Playful Parenting Approach to Childhood Anxieties and Fears - Lawrence Cohen

When I Feel Angry: A Child's Guide to Understanding and Managing Moods - Poppy O'Neill

You're a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem - Poppy O'Neill

The Kids' Guide to Staying Awesome and In Control: Simple Stuff to Help Children Regulate their Emotions and Senses - Lauren Brukner

The Colour Monster Pop Up - Anna Llenas

Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD: A Scientifically Proven Program for Parents - Eli Lebowitzun

Badgers Parting Gifts - Susan Varley


The DBT Skills and Mindfulness Workbook for Teens: A Dialectical Behavior Therapy guide to stop overthinking, experience anxiety relief, and master techniques (Life Skills Mastery) - Vivian Foster

The Incredible Teenage Brain: Everything You Need to Know to Unlock Your Teen's Potential - Bettine Honen, Jane Gilmour & Tara Murphy

Teenage Guide 4 Books Collection Set - Guide to Friends, Guide to Stress, Blame My Brain, Guide to Life Online - Nicola Morgan

The Teenager's Guide to Burnout: Finding the Road to Recovery - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker

Brainstorm: the power and purpose of the teenage brain - Daniel Siegel

Starving the Anxiety Gremlin: A CBT Workbook on Anxiety Management for Young People - Kate Collins Donnelly

The Teen's Guide to PDA - Laura Kerbey and Eliza Fricker

The Teen Trauma Journal: Understanding the Past and Embracing Tomorrow! - Laura Stokes

Social Skills for Teens: An 8-step Program with exercises for young adults to become self-confident, overcome social anxiety, build self-esteem, have ... and make great friends (Life Skills Mastery) - Vivian Foster


The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain - Thomas Armstrong

Nurturing Your Autistic Young Person: A Parent’s Handbook to Supporting Newly Diagnosed Teens and Pre-Teens - Cathy Wassall

Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder - Dr Gabor Mate

Looking After Your Autistic Self: A Personalised Self-Care Approach to Managing Your Sensory and Emotional Well-Being - Niamh Garvey

Understanding ADHD in Girls and Women - Joanne Steer

Autism and masking: How and why people do it, and the impact it can have - Sedgewick and Hull

What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life - Saline and Markham

UNMASKED: The Ultimate Guide to ADHD, Autism and Neurodivergence Hardcover – Ellie Middleton

Can't Not Won't: A Story About A Child Who Couldn't Go To School - Eliza Fricker

Unmasking Autism: The Power of Embracing Our Hidden Neurodiversity - Devon Price

The Family Experience of PDA: An Illustrated Guide to Pathological Demand Avoidance - Eliza Fricker

Understanding Others in a Neurodiverse World: A Radical Perspective on Communication and Shared Meaning - Dr Gemma Williams


The Book You Wish Your Parents had Read and Your Children Will be Thankful you did - Philippa Perry

Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be - Dr Becky Kennedy

The Gentle Parenting Book (Revised and Updated): How to Raise Calmer, Happier Children from Birth to Seven – Sarah Ockwell Smith

No-Drama Discipline: the bestselling parenting guide to nurturing your child's developing mind (Mindful Parenting) - Daniel Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson

How to be a Calm Parent – Sarah Ockwell Smith

No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame - Janet Lansbury

The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Proven Strategies to Nurture Your Child s Developing Mind – Dr Dan Siegel and Dr Tina Payne Bryson

Between: A guide for parents of eight to thirteen-year-olds – Sarah Ockwell Smith

How to Be The Grown-Up: Why Good Parenting Starts with You - Dr Martha Deiros Collado

When the Naughty Step Makes Things Worse: Parenting for Children (and Adults) Who Need Something Different - Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker

How to Raise a Teen: A Guide for Parents of Thirteen to Twenty-One-Year-Olds – Sarah Ockwell Smith

A Different Kind of Parenting: Neurodivergent families finding a way through together - Eliza Fricker

Because I Said So: Why society is childist and how breaking the cycle of discrimination towards children can change the world – Sarah Ockwell Smith


It Didn't Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle - Mark Wolman

Reinventing Your Life: the bestselling breakthrough programme to end negative behaviour and feel great - Jeffrey Young & Jane Klosko

Why has Nobody Told me this Before? - Dr Julie Smith

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents - Lindsay Gibson

Why Don't I Feel Good Enough?: Using Attachment Theory to Find a Solution - Helen Dent

Burnout: How to Manage Your Nervous System Before it Manages You - Dr Claire Plumbly

The Happiness Trap, Stop Struggling, Start Living – Russ Harris

How To Do the Work, Recognise your Patterns, Heal From Your Past and Create Your Self - Dr Nicole LePera

The Body Keeps the Score – Bessel Van der Kolk


ACT with Love: Stop Struggling, Reconcile Differences, and Strengthen Your Relationship with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

The Lasting Connection: Developing Love and Compassion for Yourself and Your Partner - Michaela Thomas

Hold Me Tight: Your Guide to the Most Successful Approach to Building Loving Relationships - Dr Sue Johnson

The Hold Me Tight Workbook: A Couple's Guide For a Lifetime of Love - Dr Sue Johnson

Attached: Are you Anxious, Avoidant or Secure? How the science of adult attachment can help you find – and keep – love - Amir Levine